Whew.......real busy monday & told Sprint to shuv it!
Let me start off by saying for no reason whatsoever I thought I would post a picture of this fish (mahi-mahi) we were bringing aboard down in Islamorada last year, its a cool pic. All over the place today! I am right now taking a break from setting up "Quickbooks" accounting software......freakin' takes forever!!! My eyes feel like i just came out of frying pan. I should be done setting all this up in the next hour or so. I am scheduled for a tutorial program on August 8th for $350.00. The accounting side of things I understand completely, but all the quirks of the software will send you out to kill yourself, specifically the lists & set-up. Got the domain name for the website. It is NOT the name i wanted. I wanted "martinsbbq.com" but it is already owned and get this, can not find the owner!!! Even goDaddy.com customer support can't find them! If i can find the contact info i plan on trying to buy it from them but until then the web address will be "martinsbar-b-que.com". I also cancelled my Sprint account -Nextel has poisoned that company! If i could find some toilet paper out there with the Sprint/Nextel logo on it i would buy a years supply. Going to Cingular.....we'll see how they do for a while. I am planning on selling my landscaping equipment to help pay for things. I will continue the commercial & residential maintenance (such as grass, mulch, chemicals etc.). Thats where the $$$ is anyway. I am going to put some new tires (cheap tires) on my bob-cat and sell it with the attachements (harley rake, auger, forks, bucket). should net an extra $20,000 or so for us to apply towards the bbq joint. I will probably add an additional man and mower for next year 2007 in its place in addition to what i have now. Final financials and the A.B.C. application (beer permit) due tomorrow to Bancorp South and the city of Nolensville. I'll post tomorrow on that.......
What is this Blog???
You ever been sitting around cooking for your family and friends and been told the following: "Hoss, this is the best I've ever had in my dadgum life.....you have got to open up a place of your own". The thought crosses your mind to do just that, but for whatever reason you dont. Well I'm "that" guy that actually went through with it and did it. I had absolutely ZERO restaurant experience! I decided to start this blog about my own experience hoping that it may be of some use and help to others who might be interested in opening their own place.
I learned this craft almost 20 years ago cooking whole hogs on brick & cinder block pits at a couple of little BBQ Joints in Henderson, TN. I learned from old, lifelong career Pit-Masters, working with them as an apprentice during school off and on for four years. Over the course of that time I learned the old, time-honored craft of REAL pit barbecue. At Martin's Bar-B-Que Joint I am trying as hard as I can everyday to bring that time-honored authenticity to my customers.
As you read you'll see I've made some stupid decisions, and I've made some good decisions. If you are thinking of opening a restaurant, especially a BBQ Joint, read this blog! Maybe some of this info can be of use to you. At the very least you will be entertained because I pull no punches.
Now listen, this is my blog to not only help with information but my blog to freely rant about my day to day experiences. There is no real "bad language" on this blog but there might be some things said that are very "tongue in cheek". If you are easily offended and/or cant see the satire in my posts then please just leave the blog. It will save both of us the annoyance of each other. For those of you who do like satire and are looking for good information about this experience, then by all means enjoy!
i dont know how you found that info but im glad you did! i appreciate it....ill try to get a hold of them tomorrow! thanks again!
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